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Michael J. Doyle, Attorney At Law Michael J. Doyle, Attorney At Law
Free Consultations 505-219-2176

Law Enforcement Officers & On-the-Job Injuries


Law enforcement officers perform extremely important jobs in our communities. These men and women place themselves in harm’s way to keep us safe, and are frequently at risk for injuries and illnesses. Like any other employee injured at work, police officers are eligible to collect workers’ compensation benefits for their injuries. If you’ve been injured in the line of duty, it’s important to understand your rights.

How Do I Know My Injury Will Be Covered by Workers’ Comp?

If your injury occurred while you were on the job or due to your work, it is likely that it will be covered by workers’ compensation. Because of the inherent risks of law enforcement and public safety jobs, these employees are often entitled to additional compensation beyond what a civilian would receive.

Will I Need to Prove the My Injury is Work-Related?

There are dozens of risks a police officer faces every day, including car accidents, exposure to toxins and chemicals, assault, and overexertion. Because of this, there are certain presumptions made that ease the burden of proof for law enforcement officers. They will not need to prove that their injuries are a result of their work, but rather it is up to their employer to prove that the injuries are not work-related. This makes the process simpler for injured officers.

Are Stress-Related or Psychological Illnesses Covered by Workers’ Comp?

Policing is a stressful job, and officers are at a higher risk of stress-related conditions and mental illnesses. Because of the challenges of the job, it is likely that you will be able to recover compensation for any expenses or lost income that results from these conditions. Stress can cause physical illness, so it is important to check in with your doctor for signs of stress-related illnesses.

What Should I Do If I’ve Been Injured in the Line of Duty?

Many officers fail to report injuries, even if they are serious. Whether it’s because they feel that injuries are a part of the job, or out of loyalty to their department, it’s still a mistake to neglect to file an injury report after you’ve been hurt. Report any injuries to your supervisor as soon as possible to begin the reporting process. You may also wish to contact an experienced workers’ compensation attorney to help you through the rest of the process and to protect your rights.

Our Albuquerque workers’ compensation lawyer is ready to fight for you. Michael J. Doyle, Attorney at Law understands the challenges law enforcement officers face when filing injury claims with their employer’s worker’s compensation insurance, and we’re dedicated to ensuring you receive the compensation and benefits you’re entitled to.

Schedule a free consultation to discuss your claim today. Call (505) 219-2176 to begin.
