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Michael J. Doyle, Attorney At Law Michael J. Doyle, Attorney At Law
Free Consultations 505-219-2176

Bayer Tries to Quash Roundup Lawsuits Across the Country

Weeds in a field

Bayer, the owner of Monsanto, is struggling to keep its reputation upright amid a swirl of Roundup lawsuits that allege the popular weed killer causes non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma. Several lawsuits have already ended with a jury awarding the plaintiff several million dollars in damages, but Bayer has been insistent on appealing them to delay and shrink the payouts. Overall, the corporate giant has been trying to make moves to quash litigation against them and prevent any future lawsuits from coming forth.

Whether or not Bayer is making any leeway is yet to be seen, though. In St. Louis, one Roundup lawsuit was “postponed indefinitely” only to be resumed several days after. A jury selection in California was also allowed to resume after it had been paused. The continuation of these cases acts as an encouragement for the thousands upon thousands of other plaintiffs waiting to file a claim or join a mass tort or class action.

Reportedly, Bayer has been able to negotiate settlement deals with a few law firms handling litigation for thousands of plaintiff clients. The company is trying to end the litigation quickly and cheaply to get the story out of headlines and prevent future litigation. However, there are also reports that a handful of other law firms with at least 20,000 total plaintiffs have not accepted a settlement. If the stalemate continues, it could spell further drops in Bayer stock prices, which have been in significant flux ever since the first news stories of Roundup lawsuits broke.

What to Do If You Think You Have a Roundup Claim?

The important thing to remember as Bayer attempts to close down future Roundup litigation is to stick to your case and always work with an attorney. Any claim valid enough to be heard by a Roundup lawsuit attorney is valid enough to stand by. You should also not accept any settlement offers from Bayer without first consulting with your lawyer, as you could be offered a lowball amount that does not suffice for your experienced and future damages.

Michael J. Doyle, Attorney at Law in Albuquerque, New Mexico is currently hearing from clients with potential Roundup lawsuits. If you live in the state and need help with your claim, please call (505) 219-2176 today.
