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Michael J. Doyle, Attorney At Law Michael J. Doyle, Attorney At Law
Free Consultations 505-219-2176

How to Prove That an Injury Was Work Related


One of the main requirements of workers’ compensation claims is for an injured worker to be able to prove that their injury or illness occurred as a direct result of their occupation. While this is usually not an issue, employers can sometimes dispute the cause of a worker’s accident in order to evade financial responsibility.

For this reason, if you have been injured on the job, it is highly recommended that you keep detailed records of your injury and treatment in order to provide solid proof of the cause of your accident when filing your claim.

To strengthen your claim, collect the following:

  1. Witness testimonies: If anyone else was present when your accident occurred, take statements of their observations and detailed accounts of what they saw.
  2. Security footage: If your place of work is equipped with security cameras, request a copy of the recorded footage on the date of your accident. Oftentimes, these cameras will capture exactly what happened and provide compelling evidence in your favor.
  3. Doctor’s notes: No matter what type of injury or illness you have sustained, having a verifiable diagnosis and signed doctor’s note can have a massive impact in proving your case. If you require physical therapy as a result of your affliction, keeping accurate records of the dates and duration of your treatment is also important.
  4. Prescriptions: If you are prescribed any sort of medication, keep a copy and written statement from your doctor about how these drugs will affect you, what their purpose is, and why you need them.
  5. Written employer notifications: This one is key. In order to be eligible for disability benefits, you must inform your employer of your accident or illness within 15 days of injury or discovering your injury. Promptly notifying your place of work of your injury will not only ensure you meet this deadline, but it will also reduce the chances of provoking questions about when and where your accident happened.

Being able to provide this information can be invaluable when satisfying your employer’s requests for proof. If your employer is still not convinced after providing these records, an attorney can help you strengthen your case and handle their objections in court.

Contact an Albuquerque Workers’ Compensation Lawyer

If you have been hurt on the job, Michael J. Doyle, Attorney at Law can guide you through the process of filing a workers’ compensation claim and handle any disputes that may arise. With more than a decade of legal experience, our Albuquerque workers’ comp attorneys can help you get through this difficult time and maximize your chances of securing the full amount of your deserved benefits.

Get started by scheduling a no-risk consultation or by calling our office today at (505) 219-2176.