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Michael J. Doyle, Attorney At Law Michael J. Doyle, Attorney At Law
Free Consultations 505-219-2176

Common Work Injuries for Nurses & Healthcare Workers


In New Mexico and throughout the United States, nurses and other healthcare workers have one of the most important jobs. These medical professionals provide valuable and critical service to patients in hospitals, clinics, and home-care situations.

However, healthcare workers are also vulnerable to suffering various forms of injury at the worksite. The duties they must fulfill can be physically demanding, taking a toll on their body. Furthermore, nurses and other medical staff can suffer harm caused by things they encounter on a day-to-day basis.

According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), there are over 18 million workers in the U.S. healthcare industry. The government agency also reports that cases of non-fatal occupational injury and illness are higher among healthcare workers compared to workers in any other field.

The following are the most common types of injuries suffered by nurses and other healthcare staff:

  • Overexertion and repetitive stress injuries – The Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) reports that medical staff members are more than seven times as likely to develop musculoskeletal disorders in comparison to other workers.
  • Needle sticks – Healthcare professionals often use needles and sharp medical instruments which could pierce and penetrate the skin.
  • Patient-related activities – Whether it’s repositioning or manually lifting patients, these actions can result in back injuries.
  • Slip and falls – When water or other liquids are spilled on the floor of hospitals or assisted living facilities, a medical worker can fall and suffer injury.
  • Understaffing – Due to budget cuts and/or lack of qualified employees, many hospitals and clinics are understaffed. Since nurses and other healthcare workers are pressured to work harder and faster, understaffing can increase the risks of various injuries.
  • Violence – OHSA states that nurses and healthcare workers are at high risk of being involved in violent assaults on the job. In addition, hospitals and clinics are also highly vulnerable to robberies due to the presence of prescription drugs.

If you suffered an injury at work in New Mexico, contact our Albuquerque workers’ compensation lawyer at Michael J. Doyle, Attorney at Law for a free consultation today.
