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Michael J. Doyle, Attorney At Law Michael J. Doyle, Attorney At Law
Free Consultations 505-219-2176

Common Autumn Driving Hazards

With each season, drivers should prepare for unique roadway dangers brought about because of the weather/season. While the autumn season is beautiful because of the changing colors of leaves and cooling temperatures, drivers should be aware of the following fall season driving dangers.

Children & Other Pedestrians

In autumn, school and extracurriculars (like sports, Girl Scouts, etc.) begin again, which means children and students will be walking to and from school, parks, and other local areas. School buses will also be more prevalent in the morning and afternoon traffic, and drivers should stop if they notice a bus flashing its red lights and letting children on or off the bus.

Drivers should take extra precautions when driving in residential areas as well as school zones. Parents of teen drivers should also remind inexperienced drivers that they should be careful and engage in safe driving practices if they drive themselves to and from school or other activities.

Darkness | Daylight Saving Time

In our previous blog, “Safety Tips for Driving at Night,” nighttime driving can be dangerous because of the decrease in visibility and visual impairments. Because of Daylight Saving Time, it gets darker at an earlier time, and many drivers will find themselves driving home in the dark.

Drivers should ensure their headlights and taillights are in working order, and they should engage in safe nighttime driving practices, including adhering to the speed limit and using their headlights and high beams as needed.

Animals Crossing

According to the Insurance Institute for Highway Safety, drivers are most likely to hit an animal, including a deer, in November. During the fall months, you may notice more animals on or around the road. Drivers should drive cautiously and look out for warnings about animal crossing zones.

Leaves & Other Foliage

During the fall, leaves fall everywhere, including on the roads. To avoid hitting piles of leaves, some drivers park further from the curb; however, other drivers do not accommodate them and may accidentally clip your vehicle. Leaves can also lead to puddles, which can cause a vehicle to hydroplane and can also hide potholes, which are a hazard for tires. Drivers should not only avoid driving over leaves if they are in piles but they should also try to clear piles of leaves around their property or street.

Tire Pressure & Traction Issues

If your tire treads are worn, your tires will not perform well on rainy or damp surfaces; worn tire treads can lead to issues steering a vehicle as well as with coming to a stop quickly. Tire pressure is also important as improper tire pressure can affect the way your car rides and handles the roadways.

Drivers should check their tire pressure and treads regularly. If you notice that your treads are worn or pressure is low, address the issue as soon as possible by either replacing or repairing the tires.

Damp Roadways

As we mentioned, puddles are a hazard for drivers as you don’t know what you’re driving over or into; however, even damp roads can present a danger to drivers. Because of fog, changing temperatures, and other factors, the roadways, and pavement may be damp and slick, which can affect how well you can control your vehicle.

Drivers should avoid speeding. Speeding can also affect the time it takes you to stop and your ability to maintain control of your vehicle.

Glare from the Sun

Sun glare is actually worse in the autumn than it is in the summer because the sun actually gets closer to the horizon during the fall. Because of the sun’s location, the sun beams can point directly into your eyes as well as reflect off of other cars, windows, and buildings, which can affect your visibility while driving.

Drivers shouldn’t ditch their sunglasses once the summer ends as they can come in handy for avoiding the sun’s glare. You should also keep your windshield clean and clear as dirt streaks and stains can increase the effect of sun glare.

Michael Doyle, Attorney at Law can help you maximize your compensation and minimize your liability if you are injured in a negligence-based accident. Call (505) 219-2176 or complete this online contact form to schedule an initial consultation today.
