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Michael J. Doyle, Attorney At Law Michael J. Doyle, Attorney At Law
Free Consultations 505-219-2176

Swimming Pool Accidents

Common Types of Swimming Pool Accidents

Going swimming can be a great source of fun and relaxation. You may also go to a swimming pool for physical therapy or exercise. However, swimming pools can be dangerous if the owners and/or staff of the pools (or other parties) are negligent. Common types of accidents that can occur in or around a pool include:

  • Diving board, slide, or pool attachment accidents, which occur when a person falls in the shallow end of a pool or suffers an injury caused by faulty equipment or pool attachments.
  • Drownings (or near-drownings), which can occur when a person is submerged in the water for a prolonged time. These types of accident soften occur with inexperienced or drowsy swimmers.
  • Electrocutions, which can occur when electrical equipment or wires near a pool or spa come into contact with water in or around a pool and injure a person.
  • Pool drain incidents, which occur when a broken, faulty, and/or poorly maintained suction system can lead to the disembowelment of a person, especially a small child who gets too close.
  • Pool toy accidents, which involve a person being trapped under or in a pool toy. If the toy manufacturer failed to warn people of safety issues or safely design or create the pool toy.
  • Slip (or trip) and fall incidents, which occur when a person trips or slips on hazards around the pool, such as standing water, loose tiles, or other debris or tripping hazards.

Common Injuries Suffered in Pool Accidents

The type and severity of injury sustained in a swimming pool accident can vary based on the type of accident you are involved in. Common injuries sustained include:

  • Traumatic brain injuries.
  • Spinal cord injuries
  • Lacerations or cuts.
  • Diving-related injuries.
  • Disembowelments.
  • Bruises.
  • Broken bones or torn ligaments.
  • Brain damage.

Pool Safety Tips to Help You & Others Stay Safe

While homeowners with pools and public swimming pool owners/staff should take steps to ensure your safety when you’re in or around their pool, you can also take steps to avoid a swimming pool accident. Here are some safety tips concerning swimming pool safety practices for pool owners and others:

  • Check pool equipment before using it. If you notice a hole or that a toy/piece of equipment deflates or does not work properly, set it away from the pool and inform the proper personnel.
  • Look at the pool depth markers. Many accidents occur when a person does not realize how deep or shallow a part of the pool is. If there are not markers, proceed with caution before getting in, and if you are not a strong swimmer, avoid getting all the way in until someone else confirms the depth of the ends of the pool.
  • Do not push others into the pool. Pushing others in can lead to drowning accidents or other serious injuries. If a person is pushed into a shallow part of the pool, their head or spine may be seriously injured once it makes contact with the bottom of the pool.
  • Use a buddy or supervision system, especially for young children. If you plan to go for a swim, you should have a buddy system for children, and you should carefully monitor them to enforce pool safety rules and make sure they don’t suffer an injury. Even if you are an adult, you should tell someone that you are going for a swim and will text them when you are out.
  • Do not drink and swim. Consuming drugs or alcohol before swimming or even being near a pool can be dangerous. The loss of coordination, depth perception, and the other effects of alcohol and drugs can affect your ability to safely walk around the pool, swim well, and avoid a dangerous accident.
  • Stay hydrated. Even if you are not exposed to a lot of sunlight, you should stay hydrated while you’re swimming. Dehydration can lead to tiredness, dizziness, lightheadedness, and/or loss of consciousness, which are dangerous symptoms to suffer from while in or around a pool.
  • Make sure someone knows CPR. While public pools should employ a lifeguard who knows CPR, if you are at a private residence, you should see if the owners or people you are with know CPR in case of an accident.
  • Do not get in or sit around the pool in poor weather. If it rains and you notice lightning, you should get out of the pool immediately. Temperatures under 70 degrees Fahrenheit can also make it unsafe to swim for average swimmers.
  • Weak swimmers should stay in the shallow end of the pool. As we mentioned, foam or flotation toys and equipment can malfunction and can not always be relied upon while swimming. If you or a loved one are not the best swimmers, you should be mindful of the depth of water you are in as well as your strength (tiredness) while in the pool; also consider staying in or close to the shallow ends or areas in which you can stand.

If you are a loved one are injured in a swimming pool accident due to someone’s negligence, contact Michael Doyle, Attorney at Law today. To schedule a case consultation with our skilled attorney, call (505) 219-2176 or reach out online today.